COVID-19: The Resilience of U.S. Rural Food Manufacturers

June 7, 2024
COVID-19 has posed several challenges on the economies of the world. There are many negative effects from the pandemic. However, it is important to look at the positives and find a silver lining in all of this. Rural food manufacturers are proving resilient throughout this time, and the American population is standing behind them.

COVID-19 has had adverse effects on many of the world’s economic areas. In the United States alone, the stock market has been hit hard, small businesses are being forced to close, and unemployment shot up.

However, the point of this blog is not to look at the negatives. Instead – it’s to shed light on the positivity of rural food manufacturers and the bright future ahead of them.


Trust in American farmers remains high amidst the pandemic.

A poll taken by the American Farm Bureau Federation shows that 84% of Americans trust U.S. farmers. This figure is substantial seeing that trust, especially in the context of food amidst the pandemic, plays a large role in the process and the success of rural food manufacturing.

[image borrowed from Surlean Foods]

A well known rural food manufacturer in Texas, Surlean Foods, has been around since 1979 and has been feeding its community ever since. Dedicated to manufacturing raw proteins and cooked kettle items, this Texas company has stood true to its production through the pandemic.

About the last few months: “The Surlean Foods team members in the plants worked courageously and the office staff worked hard to ensure their safety”

With integrity, passion for service, and family as three of its core values, Surlean Foods continues to serve its community through these times.

The company ensures safety and success for its customers and is just one example of the many rural companies continuing to manufacture food while staying true to its promise during COVID-19.

Ensured Safety

Another positive point is that U.S. rural farmers are taking even more precautions to ensure the safety and security of their food. Seeing that food handling is increasingly important in the health of a population, farmers in the United States are continuing to manufacture food, while keeping their promise of healthy, safe products.

The popular hashtag, #StillFarming, has arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic. U.S. farmers are committed to their products, as well as the customers they serve.

Rural food manufacturers are still producing food, and in the future, they will continue to do so. The trust they have in the American population is reciprocated.

The trust that farmers will still manufacture healthy, safe food; the trust that the American population will support farmers. The key word here is trust. With this trust, rural food manufacturers will continue to thrive through the pandemic and into the future.

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