MrBeast’s New Lunch Line: How Companies Can Learn from VIrality and Wow

Riana Lynn
September 19, 2024

MrBeast has built an empire on YouTube by captivating millions with stunts, giveaways, and viral content. When he launched his latest venture—a lunch line inspired by Lunchables—expectations were high. But while the nostalgia of Lunchables resonates with Millennials and Gen Z, this new product line feels like a missed opportunity to tap into the growing wellness movement embraced by these generations.

This could have been a chance for MrBeast to merge convenience and fun with the health-conscious trends dominating the food industry today. Rather than simply rehashing the pre-packaged, processed meal concept, MrBeast could have led the charge in redefining “cool” through nutritious, sustainable meals that align with the values of his audience. By offering cleaner ingredients, plant-based options, or eco-friendly packaging, the launch could have set a new standard for influencer-driven food products—appealing to the evolving consumer mindset that prioritizes both enjoyment and well-being.

Key Missed Opportunities:

  • Health-Conscious Ingredients: Incorporating clean, plant-based, or low-sugar options could have made this product line resonate with today's wellness-focused consumers.
  • Sustainable Packaging: With growing concerns over environmental impact, using eco-friendly packaging could have tapped into the values of younger generations, who prioritize sustainability.
  • Functional Foods: Adding nutrient-dense ingredients or functional benefits like probiotics or brain-boosting components would have attracted health-savvy Millennials and Gen Z.
  • Engagement Beyond Nostalgia: While tapping into Lunchables nostalgia works initially, focusing on wellness and sustainability would have built a deeper, more lasting connection with a health-conscious audience.

Greg Isenberg recently shared a fascinating analysis of MrBeast’s leaked 36-page production guide, which provides insight into the precision with which MrBeast and his team approach content creation. They treat attention like a science, curating moments of re-engagement and innovating based on viewer retention data. This same meticulous approach could have been applied to his food products, creating meals that don’t just capture attention but foster long-term, health-focused habits.

Lessons From the MrBeast Guide:

  • Treat Attention Like a Science: Just as MrBeast optimizes viewer retention, he could have used data to design meals that not only attract but also nurture healthy habits.
  • Creativity Under Constraints: MrBeast’s team excels at innovating with limited resources. Why not apply the same principle to craft nutritious, cost-effective meals?
  • "Wow" Moments in Food: Just as re-engagement keeps viewers hooked, "wow" moments in product design—such as surprise wellness benefits or interactive packaging—could elevate this product line beyond simple nostalgia.

MrBeast has proven time and again that he knows how to captivate the masses, but with this lunch line, there’s a missed opportunity to innovate in a way that integrates wellness, sustainability, and creativity—a combination that could truly resonate with today's health-conscious and socially aware audience.

MrBeast’s New Lunch Line: How Companies Can Learn from VIrality and Wow

MrBeast’s New Lunch Line: How Companies Can Learn from VIrality and Wow

MrBeast's latest venture, a lunch line inspired by Lunchables, brings nostalgia to Millennials and Gen Z but misses a key opportunity to tap into wellness trends. With a few thoughtful changes, the line could have redefined cool by offering
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