Climate Week 2023

June 17, 2024

Does Climate Week operate on love?

Friends -

As we immerse ourselves in Climate Week, on the ground and in our work we are continually weaving a narrative thread that unravels tales of resilience and more creative adaptations to food systems change. As these stories crack open and hatch into the world, we invite you to delve deeper, seek understanding, and embrace the transformational narratives that shape our shared reality.

Have something brewing? We'd love to share more stories and editorials from you that weave both love and business of food, supply chains, and the hope for better systems of feeding billions. Feel free to email us submissions.

This week, we will continue to lead conversations that ask: What is Climate Week without a focus on food sovereignty? What is AI without diversity? These are questions we must keep asking as we work towards solutions in the realm of food.

Keep reading -- you'll find some key events, innovations, and gripping editorials below.

Welcome back to The Pie.

Riana & the Journey Team 🌱

Key Climate Week Event

We are chairing and speaking in an event focused on "AI Revolutionizing in Food Systems" happening in New York on September 20th, coinciding with New York Climate Week. The event is hosted at the James Beard Foundation and led by our partners at HowGood. It's worth keeping an eye on the outcomes and insights from this gathering, as AI can revolutionize various aspects of the food industry regarding sustainability and efficiency. The event is actually sold out, but you can RSVP here for online access.

The Culture Crust

Crack open the shell of global events as we reveal the incubating stories that promise to reshape the world stage:

  1. Mexican Corn's Battle for Sovereignty: Amidst the rustling maize fields of Mexico, a fierce struggle ensues. The nation contemplates banning genetically modified corn, defending its heritage, and safeguarding its culinary tapestry. A pushback against the tide of modified crops sparks a dialogue of identity and resilience.
  2. Sardines: The Culinary Revolution: A wave of transformation surges through culinary landscapes as sardines defy convention. From quirky TikTok trends to innovative recipes, these humble fish are rewriting the gastronomic narrative, leaving taste buds dazzled and appetites enchanted.
  3. Farmer Death and Climate's Wrath: The planet trembles in the face of furious hurricanes, nature's stern reminder of climate's wrath. As landscapes transform and communities unite, tales of recovery and adaptation echo across shores, a poignant testament to humanity's harmonious dance with the environment. How are German farmers tapping out?
  4. Economic Evolution: From the whispers of uncertainty, a symphony of economic evolution emerges. As supply chains falter and factories hum with uncertainty, the world grapples with shifting paradigms, forging new paths toward stability in a tumultuous realm.

Recent history saw modern grocery stores offer convenience but raise waste and industry issues. Mid-20th-century food science brought preservatives and GMOs, emphasizing the challenge of feeding 8 billion sustainably while reducing waste and food insecurity.

The Line  👀

We all see how wonky the market is - right? From avocados to interest rates - how is it affecting our food systems globally? How are others being creative and repurposing commodities? via FoodHack

📈 What's up? Upside Foods, a US-cultivated meat company, has made a significant announcement. They're opening their first large-scale production plant named 'Rubicon.' This facility, covering 187,000 square feet, is located in the Chicago metro area. Let's take a closer look at this development.📉 What's down? Unfortunately, Hooray Foods, a Californian plant-based bacon producer, has ceased its operations after four years in business.📉 What's also down? Getir, a Turkish grocery delivery company, is facing challenges as its valuation has dropped by 80% to $2.5 billion ahead of its latest funding round. The company is struggling to generate profits amidst what they describe as 'challenging conditions.🌊 Exciting news from the University of South Australia! Researchers there have designed a self-sustaining, solar-driven vertical sea farm. This innovative farm can evaporate seawater and recycle it into freshwater, all without requiring human involvement. It's a significant development in sustainable agriculture.☕️ In a bid to reduce plastic usage, researchers at the University of Colorado have come up with a method that uses recycled coffee grounds in 3D printing. This could potentially replace conventional plastics, contributing to a more eco-friendly approach to manufacturing.

Catch us in October speaking on Supply Chains and AI. Our team will be at 6 different events. Loop around to hear more or see us in person!

Grow Better & Eat Well.

MrBeast’s New Lunch Line: How Companies Can Learn from VIrality and Wow

MrBeast’s New Lunch Line: How Companies Can Learn from VIrality and Wow

MrBeast's latest venture, a lunch line inspired by Lunchables, brings nostalgia to Millennials and Gen Z but misses a key opportunity to tap into wellness trends. With a few thoughtful changes, the line could have redefined cool by offering
Riana Lynn
September 19, 2024
5 min read
Navigating the New EU Deforestation Regulation: How Journey Foods Can Help Restaurants Stay Compliant

Navigating the New EU Deforestation Regulation: How Journey Foods Can Help Restaurants Stay Compliant

Journey Foods simplifies compliance with the new EU deforestation regulation through its advanced automated tools, which ensure ingredient sustainability and streamline verification processes. With AI-driven insights and a vast ingredient database, restaurants can quickly adapt to regulatory changes and optimize product formulations, turning compliance into an opportunity for innovation.
Julia Froese
September 16, 2024
5 min read
The European Union's New Deforestation Law: What Tech Entrepreneurs Need to Know

The European Union's New Deforestation Law: What Tech Entrepreneurs Need to Know

The European Union's new deforestation law restricts the sale of products linked to land deforested after December 2020, impacting items like coffee, cocoa, and palm oil. This regulation, aimed at reducing global deforestation by 30% by 2030, presents both challenges and opportunities for tech entrepreneurs. Journey Foods offers AI-driven solutions to help businesses ensure compliance and drive sustainable innovation.
Julia Froese
September 13, 2024
5 min read