Active Ingredients in Foods for Aging and Beauty

July 18, 2024

Active ingredients are trending in the skincare, personal care, and pharmaceutical sectors due to the consumer demand for effective, targeted solutions. These ingredients, engineered to provide specific physiological or therapeutic effects, are central to addressing a variety of skin concerns. They include dehydration, anti-aging, acne, and more.

In food innovation, active ingredients are crucial to targeting biological processes or diseases, helping patients to manage symptoms, treat conditions, and boost overall health. As a result,  are investing in technologies to discover, optimize, and deliver these ingredients more effectively.

Technologies like high-throughput screening (HTS) are accelerating this trend, allowing the rapid testing of multiple compounds against biological pathways. This efficiency is driving the development of new, potent active ingredients. Moreover, nanotechnology plays a crucial role in this space.

By manipulating materials at the nanoscale level, researchers can enhance the stability of active ingredients, control their release, and target their delivery to specific areas. This opens up possibilities for more efficient and effective therapies and products, further propelling the trend of active ingredients in the industry.

BIO AURUM offers Saffron-based Neurocure

Italian startup BIO AURUM exploits naturally occurring bioactive molecules of saffron to investigate target-defined pathogenic pathways in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. The startup’s ingredient has therapeutic properties and is as effective as first-line pharmaceutical drugs. Its technology also isolates the potent saffron at high purity to conserve the optimal proprietary therapeutic ratio of the bioactive crocins.

LHOV manufactures Prickly Pear Oil

French startup LHOV obtains vegetable oil by cold pressing the seeds of Opuntia ficus indica (prickly pear oil).  It has active phenolic compounds that stimulate the production of collagen, thus accelerating cell renewal. The startup’s ingredient provides an antioxidant effect that slows down the aging of skin cells and stimulates their renewal. Additionally, among the phytosterols present in this oil, there is the presence of β-sitosterol, which has several health benefits, including hair loss prevention power.

Journey Foods prioritizes ingredient tracking and tagging innovation. We track and tagging ingredients from sourcing to production for easier formulation. This careful process ensures Journey Foods' products deliver health and beauty benefits, driving functional food innovation and consumer satisfaction.

Ingredient Insights: Food Ingredients Banned Abroad

Ingredient Insights: Food Ingredients Banned Abroad

Navigating global food ingredient standards is vital for U.S. food tech entrepreneurs, as certain ingredients widely used in the U.S. are banned in other countries due to health concerns, such as Red Dye No. 40, Azodicarbonamide, and BHA/BHT. Understanding these discrepancies helps ensure consumer trust, regulatory compliance, and market access. Journey Foods’ AI-driven platform can assist in identifying safe alternatives, automating compliance, and making data-informed decisions to stay ahead in the international market.
Julia Froese
September 6, 2024
5 min read
PFAS in Food Packaging: What Every Food Tech Entrepreneur Needs to Know

PFAS in Food Packaging: What Every Food Tech Entrepreneur Needs to Know

PFAS in food packaging poses significant health risks, including liver damage and cancer, as these chemicals are prevalent in items like pizza boxes and microwave popcorn bags. With PFAS detected in up to 40% of packaging materials and growing consumer and regulatory concerns, it's crucial for food tech entrepreneurs to address these issues. Journey Foods offers AI-driven solutions to help navigate these challenges, accelerating innovation, ensuring compliance, and enhancing product development in the face of evolving safety standards.
Julia Froese
September 6, 2024
5 min read
Ingredient Insights: Unique and Sustainable Ingredients for Your Next Smoothie

Ingredient Insights: Unique and Sustainable Ingredients for Your Next Smoothie

Boost your smoothies with unique, sustainable ingredients like moringa, baobab, and hemp seeds to enhance both flavor and nutrition while supporting environmental sustainability. Companies can streamline the integration of these ingredients into new products with Journey Foods' AI-driven tools, ensuring they meet both health and eco-friendly standards.
Julia Froese
August 27, 2024
5 min read